
Friday Aug 14, 2015
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 034 - Worstastic Four
Friday Aug 14, 2015
Friday Aug 14, 2015
It's the episode you've been waiting for! Dan and Jonathan review and discuss the new Fantastic Four film, better known as WORSTASTIC FOUR! The guys detail the film and give their thoughts on just why it truly is worstastic. Plus, more fan questions and thoughts spark some great discussion! This episode is what we truly like to call "Fantastic!"

Thursday Aug 06, 2015
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 033 - The Future of the MCU: Reboot or Recast?
Thursday Aug 06, 2015
Thursday Aug 06, 2015
Welcome back to The Geek Easy! Jonathan and Dan having some really great discussion today thanks mostly to our amazing listeners and their questions!
In this episode, discussion include:
- Early reviews for Worstastic Four
- The official Deadpool Trailer release
- What's best for the future of the MCU: recasting or rebooting
- Old movies we'd love toys from
- Thoughts on chase figures in toy lines
All of this, and so much more!
Join the discussion over on our Facebook page! We encourage questions and topic suggestions! Facebook.com/GeekEasyPodcast

Monday Jul 27, 2015
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Wooo, do we have a lot to discuss today!
Dan and Jonathan are cranking out FOUR movie reviews in one episode! Don't worry, they won't ramble too much! Tune in to hear their thoughts on the following Summer flicks:
- Jurassic World
- Inside Out
- Terminator: Genesys
- Ant-Man
Got comments or questions? Don't forget to post on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/GeekEasyPodcast

Thursday Jul 23, 2015
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 031 - San Diego Comic Con 2015 Excitement!
Thursday Jul 23, 2015
Thursday Jul 23, 2015
The boys are back! Now that Pixel Dan is home from San Diego Comic Con, he's ready to discuss it with Jonathan! In this episode, there will be much geek discussion from the Con, including:
- Dan's experiences covering the show
- Dan's brush with celebs
- The much-anticipated Batman vs Superman Trailer
- Suicide Squad Trailer
- Deadpool and X-Men:Apocalyps Leaked Trailers
- Ash vs The Evil Dead!
We know you guys want to hear what we have to say about Batman vs Superman, so start listening tot he show already!

Thursday Jun 04, 2015
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 030 - Rocksteady, fella!
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Welcome, my friends! Pull your self up a seat and get ready for some fun. You're in The Geek Easy!
Dan and Jonathan have several topics to touch on this week, including:
- Tron 3 Cancelled?
- New Mega Man Cartoon
- Bebop and Rocksteady in TMNT 2
- The Rock's Big Trouble in Little China
- Aquaman Director Named
- Sam Jackson Missing From Civil War
- Marvel Erasing Fantastic four and The X-Men
So much to talk about! We better get to it!

Thursday May 21, 2015
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 029 - Moon Knight vs Wonder Man
Thursday May 21, 2015
Thursday May 21, 2015
Welcome back to the Geek Easy!
Summer movie season is really about to get into full swing, and while Dan and Jonathan are both anticipating many of these films there is also a lot to talk about for both future films and what's on TV! Among the topics being geeked about today are:
- Avengers: Age of Ultron Alternate Ending
- Joss Whedon's post-Avengers stress
- Joker and Harley on Suicide Squad Set
- TMNT 2 Casting
- Captain America Civil War Set Photos
- Daredevil Season 1
- Agents of SHIELD Season Finale
Plus, we got some viewer questions and comments! How exciting! It's another action packed episode, so stop reading and start listening!

Thursday May 07, 2015
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 028 - Marvelously Marveling Over Marvel
Thursday May 07, 2015
Thursday May 07, 2015
Jonathan and Dan are back, and it's an episode chock full of geek!
A lot has been happening in the word of movies, with several new trailers and images being released. The guys give their thoughts on all of the following:
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer
- Worstastic Four Trailer
- Batman Vs. Superman Trailer
- Suicide Squad and Joker Photos
Then, it's time for two Marvel fanboys to marvel over marvel! Get ready for Dan and Jon's full review of Avengers: Age of Ultron!
It's a long one, but a good one! We promise!

Friday Apr 17, 2015
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 027 - Fast and Furious
Friday Apr 17, 2015
Friday Apr 17, 2015
It's time to get all geek up in here! Dan and Jonathan are once again joined by their friend Jarin for a full review of the latest film in the Fast and the Furious franchise: Furious 7! Don't worry, we cried att he end too.
In addition, there's some movie news to be discussed! Included are:
- Ant-Man Trailer
- Peter Parker in the MCU
- Star Wars (before the trailer dropped)
- and more!

Monday Apr 06, 2015
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 026 - Wrestlemania 31 Recap
Monday Apr 06, 2015
Monday Apr 06, 2015
It's that time of the year again! WWE Wrestlemania has come and gone, and we want to talk about it!
Dan and Jonathan are once again joined by their good friend and wrestling analyst Jarin McCaffrey as they discuss Wrestlemania 31 in it's entirety!

Thursday Mar 19, 2015
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 025 - Bravo DC!
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Alright DC fans, this is the episode you've all been waiting for! This week in The Geek Easy there's much praise for DC! Jonathan finally started watching Arrow and has a very positive review for you!
But of course, this wouldn't be The Geek Easy without some Marvel love now would it? Pixel Dan and Jonathan also give their spoilerific review on the Agent Carter mini series.
All of that, plus Ghostbusters wackiness, Mallrats 3, and BATTLE CAT!
Hurry, turn it on!