
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 024 - Toy Fair, The Oscars, and DuckTales (woo ooh!)
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
Tuesday Mar 03, 2015
Welcome back, my friends! Dan and Jonathan have much to discuss today!
This time of the year is big for both Toys and Movies, which means the guys have much to discuss! Dan gives his analysis of Toy Fair, then Jonathan gives his thoughts on The Oscars!
In addition, there's some discussion on Jason Mamoa's Aquaman, the recent dark and gritty Power Rangers fan film, and the return of Danger Mouse, Inspector Gadget, and DuckTales!

Sunday Feb 22, 2015
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 023 - Spider-Man is Home!
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Sunday Feb 22, 2015
Dan and Jonathan are geeking out HARD in The Geek Easy this week! And why shouldn't they...Spider-Man is home! Well, as home as he's going to be, at least.
That's right, pretty much this entire episode is dedicated to discussing the deal between Sony and Marvel Studios that is bringing Spder-Man to the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

Friday Jan 30, 2015
Friday Jan 30, 2015
It's time to grab yourself a beverage and get comfortable in The Geek Easy!
There are many topics for discussion today, and Jonathan and Dan plan to tackle them all! Included in the spoiler-ific talks are:
- WWE's 2015 Royal Rumble and the negative reaction it has garnered
- The casting for the all-female Ghostbusters reboot
- The first trailer for the upcoming Worstastic Four movie
- Chris Pratt as the new Indiana Jones?
- The mid-season finale of Agents of SHIELD
- and a $350 LEGO Hellicarrier!
There's so much to talk about! How can we possibly cover it all? Easy...we talk for an hour and a half. But it's an awesome hour and a half, we promise!

Thursday Jan 15, 2015
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 021 - 2015 is Year of the Geek
Thursday Jan 15, 2015
Thursday Jan 15, 2015
It's 2015, and time to get back in the Geek Easy!
Dan and Jonathan have SO MUCH to discuss since the last time they sat down together. 2015 has been a highly anticipated year for movies, as they guys have mentioned in the past. Well the Year of the Geek is now here, so Dan and Jon discuss many of the things they are excited for, including:
- Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailers
- Ant-Man Trailer
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer
- Comic Book Shows on Television
- and much more!
Throw in a little toy talk and you've got yourself a geektastic return to the Geek Easy! Fill up your glass and settle in! It's time to nerd out!

Friday Oct 10, 2014
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 020 - Saturday Mornings Live On!
Friday Oct 10, 2014
Friday Oct 10, 2014
Dan and Jonathan return to The Geek Easy with much to discuss! Many topics are covered in the episode, including:
- An all-female Ghostbusters movie
- Iron Man 4 Announced & Unannounced
- Where Marvel Studios may be going with their films
- The dismissal of X-Men and Fantastic Four in the comics
- #WorstasticFour still sounds awful
- Arrow and The Flash
- Star Wars Rebels
- TMNT Season 3 Premier
- The so-called "death" of Saturday Morning Cartoons
- And more!
As you can see, it's quite a full episode! So settle in to a comfy seat and get yourself a beverage! It's time to get your geek on!

Thursday Sep 25, 2014
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 019 - Gotham, AVGN, & More
Thursday Sep 25, 2014
Thursday Sep 25, 2014
Hey look, a new episode! Dan and Jonathan always seem to have an excuse for the long span between episodes...but this one is a good one. Dan explains the troubles he's gone through that has prevented him from getting much done.
But the discussion soon moves into much more fun topics, including DC's new TV series Gotham as well as the return of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD! The guys also have a lot of movie news to catch up on!
Oh yeah, and Dan has a small cameo in the Angry Video Game Nerd movie! Hear all about it in this episode! And be sure to go check out the AVGN Movie for yourself: http://vimeo.com/ondemand/avgn
If you're looking for an alternative to selling and buying toys on eBay, then check out www.NerdBids.com! Get a free $10 credit if you sign up before 10/22/2014!

Thursday Aug 07, 2014
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 017 - Guardians of the Galaxy
Thursday Aug 07, 2014
Thursday Aug 07, 2014
Dan and Jonathan are back, and there is much geekery to discuss!
First, the biggest nerd event of the year just wrapped up, and Pixel Dan was there...though he probably missed everything that happened there. So Jonathan and Dan both catch up with the events that took place at San Diego Comic Con, both on the toy and movie sides!
Then, it's time to talk about one of the most bizarre and utterly awesome comic book movies ever released: Guardians of the Galaxy!
Marvel is just killing it, aren't they?
Oh, and when you're done with the episode and you have some extra money to spend, then go buy yourself some awesome toys at Nerd Rage Toys!

Thursday Jun 12, 2014
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 016 - X-Men: Days of Future Past
Thursday Jun 12, 2014
Thursday Jun 12, 2014
Settle in to the Geek Easy! It's time for a movie review!
Join Dan and Jonathan as they discuss the latest film from Fox's X-Men franchise, Days of Future Past! Is this the movie that fixes the X-Men movie universe? Tune in to find out! Lots of spoiler filled discussion ahead, bub!
Got some extra money to spend? Go buy yourself some awesome toys at Nerd Rage Toys!

Thursday Jun 05, 2014
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 015 - Summer Geek Movie News
Thursday Jun 05, 2014
Thursday Jun 05, 2014
After a short hiatus, the guys are back in The Geek Easy! There is MUCH to discuss!
For their return episode, Dan and Jonathan tackle an onslaught of geek movie news for the summer! Jurassic World, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, David Goyer's stupidity, Jonathan's quick Godzilla review, Edgar Wright leaving Ant-Man, and Thanos are all among the many topics being discussed in this episode!
So settle in and grab yourself a beverage! It's time to get geek up in here!
Shop Nerd Rage Toys for an amazing selection of vintage and new collectible toys!

Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 014 - Wrestlemania 30
Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
Wednesday Apr 09, 2014
Settle in my friends! You're in The Geek Easy!
Dan and Jonathan are once again joined by their good friend Jarin for some wrasslin' talk! Wrestlemania 30! It's the grandest stage of them all, and the "big one" for all pro wrestling fans! And what an epic event it was! Dan, Jon, and Jarin run down the entire show to give their thoughts on it all! What was the best? What was the most shocking? Is Dan going to freak out over the big Undertaker moment? There's only one way to find out!