
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Whoa! Hey! It's a new episode of The Geek Easy Podcast!
It's been far too long, so Dan and Jonathan have a lot they want to discuss! This longer episode features commentary of the Disney buyout of 21st Century Fox, a spoiler-filled discussion of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, oh...and some Justice League talk!
Enjoy! Hopfully a new episode will follow this one sooner rather than later!

Saturday Jul 08, 2017
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 053 - Spider-Man Homecoming
Saturday Jul 08, 2017
Saturday Jul 08, 2017
It's the most AMAZING! episode! The most SPECTACULAR episode! It's our Spider-Man Homecoming episode! Join Dan and Jonathan for a review and discussion about the new film!
Dont forget, we are avalaible in multiple formats: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Podbean, Youtube, etc! Please rate, follow, and subscribe!

Friday Jun 30, 2017
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 052 - Netflix and Ecto Cool
Friday Jun 30, 2017
Friday Jun 30, 2017
Welcome back to The Geek Easy! Jonathan and Dan are ready to get their geek on! Topics today include:
- Netflix Shows and what we're watching
- Marvel's InHumans trailer
- The Mummy
- Han Solo Director Change
- Jumanji Trailer
- Super7 Not Doing ThunderCats Toys
- MOTU Classics Ultiamtes packages revealed
- and more!
Be sure to follow us on your favorite Podcast provide, and give us a rating! Everything helps to spread the word ont he show!

Friday Jun 09, 2017
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 051 - Wonder Woman Good Yay?
Friday Jun 09, 2017
Friday Jun 09, 2017
After a 6 month hiatus, Dan and Jonathan are back to get their geek on! Welcome to episode 51 of The Geek Easy Podcast! Pull up a stool, grab yourself a beverage, and enjoy our geektastic conversation.
Today's topic include:
- Wonder Woman movie review
- Masters of the Universe movie release date
- No Skeletor in a He-Man movie?
- New She-Ra cartoon on the way?
- Animaniacs making a return
- Plus more!

Thursday Nov 17, 2016
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 050 - The Big Five Oh!
Thursday Nov 17, 2016
Thursday Nov 17, 2016
Holy wow! 50 episodes of The Geek Easy Podcast!
To celebrate, Jonathan and Dan streamed this episode LIVE on YouTube! But don't worry if you missed the live show, becuase now you can listen to it!
We cover a lot of topics in this episode, including:
- MOTUC Classics Pre-Orders on Super7
- Bucky O'Hare Figures Return
- Power Rangers Movie Megazrod Revealed
- Marvel's InHumans getting ABC Release
- Marvel Studios and Fox make weird character trade
- and MORE!
50 awesome episodes down, and many more to come! Thanks for joining us!

Thursday Oct 27, 2016
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 049 - Logans and Deans
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Thursday Oct 27, 2016
Welcome back to The Geek Easy! A lot has happened in the past two weeks, which means there is much to discuss! Join Jonathan and Dan as they geek out over many topics, such as:
- The return of Muppet Babies
- The Gilmore Girls trailer
- The Logan trailer,
- Deadpool 2 hiccups
- Ghostbusters Playmobile toys
- and much more!

Thursday Oct 13, 2016
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 048 - The Man in Black...Ranger
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Welcome back to the Geek Easy! With New York Comic Con 2016 now complete, Jonathan and Dan have quite a bit of toy, movie, and other geek news to discuss! Among the topics today are:
- Voltron Legendary Defender Toys from Playmates Toys
- WWE and TMNT Crossover
- Update on the MOTU Classics line with Super7
- Power Rangers Teaser Trailer
- Supergirl Season 2 Premier
- and more!

Friday Sep 30, 2016
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 047 - Breakin' News Again!
Friday Sep 30, 2016
Friday Sep 30, 2016
Welcome back to The Geek Easy! Great topics of discussion are ready for your audio enjoyment! In this episode, we're discussin'
- MOTU Classics Prototypes on their way to Super7
- Supergirl and Superman on the CW
- Big villain for DC TV crossover,
- The Lion King Live Action Film
- Transformers and Nazis
- and much more!

Friday Sep 16, 2016
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 046 - DC TV Good Yay!
Friday Sep 16, 2016
Friday Sep 16, 2016
Welcome back to The Geek Easy, friends! Jonathan and Dan have a ton of geektastic topics to cover today, including the following:
- Suicide Squad and future DC Movies
- DC on TV and why it's "Good Yay!"
- The upcoming Hasbro shared universe
- Masters of the Universe Classics moving to Super7 from Mattel
- Favorite Superhero Video Games
- And much more!

Friday Jul 15, 2016
The Geek Easy Podcast - Ep. 045 - Ghostbusters 2016
Friday Jul 15, 2016
Friday Jul 15, 2016
Who you gonna call? GEEK EASY! Jonathan and Dan are joined by their good friend and pro wrestling analyst Jarin McCaffrey, but not to talk wrestling. This time they are together to review the new Ghostbusters movie! Is it worth the hate? Well...no, but nothing that is suppose to be fun like movies or toys or comics should ever be cause for hatred. But if you're wondering what the guys thought of the movie, then this one is for you!